Ultrasound Boutique

So, we learned something new. There are boutiques where you can get an ultrasound performed. After the scare from the pneumonia, my wife and I decided that we would get an ultrasound done for our peace of mind.

We were going to be out in Denver for a family event and my wife found one of these boutiques that had an opening for the time that we were going to be in town. We scheduled the appointment before we traveled to Denver and when the day of the appointment came, we were anxious and excited to be able to see our baby boy and to know that the pneumonia (and treatment) hadn’t caused any harm.

One of the unique things with this ultrasound was that we could have up to ten family and friends with us. My stepdaughter got to see the baby boy as well as my wife’s parents and another close family member. When we checked in and paid, one of the options that we could select was to get a stuffed animal with a recording of the baby’s heartbeat. We decided to get a little stuffed lion with his heartbeat and I am so glad that we did. I find myself squeezing the lion when I walk by just so that I can hear the heartbeat. It was also slightly surprising that this ultrasound cost less than when we get the ultrasound performed at the clinic.

Like most ultrasounds we got pictures of the baby boy. The sonographer asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and we told him that we already knew. He said don’t tell him then and he would tell us and see if he was correct. He was. It would have been quite a surprise if he said that we were having a girl after what we already knew. It also appears that our baby boy may be a little camera shy or just like to lay on his arm. He kept his arm folded right up against the side of his head like he was using it as a pillow for nearly the entire time the ultrasound was being done.

I was really glad that we decided to have this ultrasound done. Not only for the peace of mind but also the people that were with us that got to see him as well. I thought it was really special to have the family members with us that were there and would recommend finding one of these boutique ultrasound locations if you find yourself wanting to see your baby or just need the peace of mind that you get from being able to see your baby and listen to the heartbeat. It turns out that these types of places exist all over.